In the series, Downton Abbey, we can see from the establishing shot from the start of the clip is upper class due to the very large building, the way the people inside the building dress and the amount of land which surrounds the building in the background.However, the contrast between the boy on the bicycle and the people inside the building suggests that the boy on the bicycle os from a lower class compared to the upper class people in the building due to the way he dresses and the fact that he possibly is having to do job to earn money for himself instead of his parents helping him with money. Also, the bag that he is having to use to carry the newspapers perceives to be old and run down which could suggest that that's all he can afford to use to carry his newspapers in.
Further on in the clip, we see how the more lower classed people have much of respect to the upper class people. We see this through the lower class women rushing around, stressing to complete their job for the upper classed people such as making them breakfast on time and cleaning the house. Whereas the upper classed people are relaxing, enjoying themselves waiting for their breakfast patiently. The way the lower classed servants treat the upper classed people is through words which shows their power such as "Lady Mary" compared to the lower classed servants who are known as "Mrs" or "Mr". The editing then swiftly changes to fast paced editing which could possibly suggest how the servants are having to rush around to complete their jobs.
Towards the end of the clip, the oncoming scene changes with a sudden difference in sound where violins and pianos are majestically playing in the background which could suggest how relaxed the upper class people are with them not having to stress or worry about any jobs being completed in time because they can rely on their servants completing it all for them. The lord is introduced and therefore the music is also playing to show his importance in the house. With the Lord being on a higher floor compared to the servants, this suggests that he is the highest on the hierarchy and therefore is the highest in the building being separated from anyone else within the house.
In the last scene of the clip, we are introduced to the ladyships room where she is doing nothing at all besides relaxing in bed with breakfast brought to her. With her not having to move out of her bed, she is able to not help at all around the house because the servants do it all for her at a minimum wage which allows her to do what she wants when she wants to. The ladyship is seen as the highest of them all on the hierarchy scale throughout the whole clip due to her importance in the house. Because she is so importance she is looked at with respect and honour with her name as the "ladyship".
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